Today, I took the baby to a pumpkin farm. . . and it was great. We had a ton of fun up til the very end, when he started getting cranky.
So, we're walking to the car. . . he's in the wagon with the pumpkins. . . and I can't find the car.
I ended up dragging him and the pumpkins around in the wagon for like ten minutes and he's getting more and more antsy as time goes on and I'm losing my cool.
Finally, we get to the end of one of the rows, and I go to turn the wagon around and it spins out, falls over, and the baby and the pumpkins fall into the gravel parking lot. . . the smaller of the pumpkins hits him in the head and the big one goes rolling off down the driveway, out of my view.
So I've got a screaming baby, a toppled wagon, and one less pumpkin, and still no car.
At this point, I really lost my cool. And all I could think of was how much easier it would have been in that situation if I wasn't alone. If there was someone who could have gone running after the renegade pumpkin while I'm comforting the baby. . . or vice versa. . . or someone who could have walked around the parking lot til we found the car instead of dragging the wagon around the whole time. . .
It's times like that where it bothers me. The whole day up to that point had been great!
So finally, I get us to the car. . . and then we were fine. . . and then I got the idea to go drive along the driveway to see if I could find our pumpkin (we paid for it after all!!) and see if it wasn't too badly damaged. And I found it!! I felt so triumphant! I found it, and it was in tact. It was such a mommy moment. . . even though he wasn't even sad about the pumpkin. . . if I hadn't been able to get it back I would have felt like I didn't "win" or whatever.
The pumpkin did not defeat me!!
It's the little things in life that make me happy :)