Thursday, September 16, 2010

putting up with myself

So, I decided to go for it, and start the food blog. Shameless plug:

My little one doesn't understand why we can't just eat dinner anymore. "Mommy, why are you taking pictures of all the food?" I'm having a great time putting it together. It makes me more aware of the things I do in creating our menu each day.

Tonight I made tomato jam, which I'll post on "put up with me" soon. The whole time I was cooking, O kept asking me what it was, and I'd say, "Mommy's making tomato jam!" and he'd make the "ew" face and say, "I don't LIKE tomato jam, Mommy."

When it was finished cooking, I was tasting it from a spoon and he asked what it was. I told him simply, "jam" and he wanted to try it. He proceeded to eat three spoonfuls of it and would have eaten more if I had allowed. I said, "Do you know what kind of jam that is? It's tomato!" He was totally shocked.

This is the fun part of parenting. Opening your child's eyes to something new, and finding creative ways to introduce them to the world around them. Did I lie to him? Well, if you consider omission of the truth lying, then yes. BUT, I think it's worth that little omission, because now he knows he loves tomato jam. How many three year olds do you know that will eat tomato jam?

Monday, September 13, 2010

A particularly ironic post

This blog post is about me deciding whether or not to start another blog. I've been toying with the idea of beginning a food blog. It would really be more of a food/canning/mom/portland type blog. I feel like I do some fun stuff that other people might find interesting...

However, unlike this blog, that no one reads, and I barely keep up with... the "new" blog would need to be more of a commitment on my part and I just don't know if I can hack it. Ya know?

A friend of mine just started a food blog and I see from her experience that it's a lot of work.

The thing is... I have lots of food related wisdom, experiences, calamities etc. to share with the world... Now to just decide what to name the darn thing.
