Sunday, November 2, 2008

high maintenance

All of a sudden, my easy going little baby has turned into a high maintenance emotional wreck. The doc says this is pretty typical of his age group. . . but it is wearing me out!! To compensate, I'm cooking alot. . . and baking. He loves to eat soup, so my crock pot has been working hard! I'm planning a bunch of baking experiments for this week because my mom is coming to visit. My mom is not a baker, or a cook. She's all over the other domestic stuff. . . cleaning and rearranging etc. But for some reason even though she has baked nary a cookie in her life, I feel this strange compulsion to be a domestic goddess in her presence. I've got to bake, and have a spotless house, and fresh smelling drapes.
This visit is going to be SO good for my mental health. I've been a single mom since conception, but before moving across the country, I had a huge support system and roommates to help me with the easy stuff. . . the entertaining while dinner is being cooked, the carrying him in for me while I schlep the groceries. . .
I'm really learning now what being a single mom means. I've been alone out here for a few months now and I can't wait for mom to watch the rugrat while I go out for a few hours. I almost hate admitting that I need a break from him, but I do.

I was telling a friend tonight about how I've been trying to deal with the baby's terrible two's. For me, it's all about timing. I need to make sure I have the sippy cup of milk ready before I utter the word "milk". It's imperative that I have binkies in every room and a blankie on each floor. . . and that there is at least one truck within arms reach at all times. There can be no sudden movements. I can't take the trash out or get the mail unless I'm prepared to bring him with me.
All of that exhausts me, but then he does things that make me melt. Tonight I was on the phone with my sister and he started tickling my armpit. and he was cracking up! It was so cute.

Of course it's all worth it and even the meltdowns are all part of his development. I love seeing how he's learning to express himself, even if his favorite way of doing that is by screaming "NO!!" or "MINE!!!" :)


Unknown said...

Timing is key... and the most important - follow through. I still struggle with this, but for the most part, I follow through on my yays and nays and it works wonders.

Good luck!

dadshouse said...

I cracked up at you wanting to be a domestic goddess in front of your mom. Parenting really brings out our own values. Single parenting without a support group is tough - I know! I've been doing it for 9 years. Well, I didn't move across country, but I did lose quite a few friends from my divorce. It does get easier over time. You don't know love until you have children!

Private said...

hahahha! you are doing great - just the fact that you are so thoughtful about it all helps big time.

i agree with aliana about following through. it can be SO hard because your kid will be really pissed off/sad when you do, but they do end up feeling safer and being calmer when they know their boundaries. it's very true.

it takes a year, i think, to gather up that good group of friends that you can count on, too. at least that has been my experience here. :)

we should meet up outside of the work context, geeze.