Sunday, October 25, 2009

chugga chugga choo choo

We're in full autumnal swing! Last year around this time, we had just moved to Oregon and Orion and I were just figuring out our life here. This year, we're celebrating having figured some of that out. We know the best pumpkin patches and the most fun apple orchards, we know where to find the yummiest goodies, and we're taking our pick of the most exciting concerts for kids. This is a good feeling! We're chugging right along.
Orion is almost out of his terrible two's which means that my life isn't quite as stressful, which is great. He's asserting himself, and testing boundaries, but usually we're able to resolve any issue with a calm discussion and he ends up making the right choices most of the time.
Every day, I notice little things that remind me that he is NOT a baby anymore. (most often, this is him actually saying, "I'm not a baby anymore Mommy!") I'm at once thrilled to see his growth and development (it is SO exciting to watch!!) and also a little sad that my baby won't be little forever.
This year, he picked out his Halloween costume (He's going as Thomas the Tank Engine), he has a friend to go trick or treating with, and he is very excited to trick or treat. Last year, we had a great time trick or treating with the Portland Single Parents Group, but Orion really had no idea what was going on.
The challenge now is how to entertain this developing, inquisitive and VERY energetic toddler during a long wet winter spent indoors.
I've made some mental notes of places with indoor play spaces, kids activities and I am hoping there will be some dryish days when we can go hiking, since that is a new favorite past time for the both of us.
I'm exhausted just thinking about all that!
Chugga Chugga...

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